Last Sunday, despite the good weather, we bought in the popcorn and settled down to watch Riverdance: The Animated Adventure.
We found it terribly funny and simply charming.
About Riverdance: The Animated Adventure
Inspired by the global stage sensation the film follows a day in the life Irish boy Keegan. At the start of the film Keegan suffers the loss of his grandad, a lighthouse keeper. He is finding the loss hard so his best friend Moya whisks him away to a magical land. He meets the Megaloceros Giganteus (big dancing elk 🦌 ) and they help him through a difficult time.
Keegan defeats the villainous Huntsman so can celebrate St Patrick’s Day again and celebrate the life of his grandfather.
The characters are actually voiced by some famous Irish actors! They include Pierce Brosnan, Brendan Gleeson, Aisling Bea, Pauline McLynn and John Kavanagh.
And as for the dancing …
Apart from a few turned-up toes that need work, and knees that need to be pulled in, the dancing is pretty decent, especially for elk. And we were happy to see great turned-out feet all round 😉. And, as always, the music by Grammy winner Bill Whelan makes you just want to get up and dance yourself.
The film could be accused of painting that old-fashioned, misty-eyed view of our emerald isle but we didn’t mind one bit. Any film that has everyone Irish Dancing 80% of the time is good in our book.
After 25 years this animated feature is a great way to introduce Riverdance to a whole new generation of young dancers.
Riverdance: The Animated Adventure is available to watch on Sky Cinema and Now TV. We hope you enjoy it too.