Irish Dancing Pomps
When children start dancing in our Beginners Classes their runners work fine for learning the basic steps and movements. However after a few weeks, once they have settled in, it is a good idea to get them their first Irish Dancing shoes – pomps.
Why should I get pomps?
As a child progresses at Irish Dancing they need to start controlling their footwork more. Runners and normal shoes are very heavy and it is harder for the children to keep their feet turned out in the right position with heavy footwear.
Children need to also start pulling back their toes to make good arches with their feet. You can’t do this in normal shoes. Pomps are light and flexible giving dancers the control they need.
What pomps should I buy?
We recommend the full sole pump from Dance World for beginners. See here.
You can also get them in Dance World here.
Leddy Uniforms in Blanchardstown sell Innishfree Loop Pomps that are fine for beginners but they are not always in stock.
If your child progresses to dancing more seriously or in competitions you may consider different styles or more expensive pomps.
Your teacher may have second hand pomps to pass on or sell. Or you might find them on Done Deal, Adverts or similar marketplace sites. There are also loads of groups on Facebook selling dance shoes.
Do boys wear the same shoes?
When starting off boys can wear pomps the same as the girls.
Alternatively, they can use a jazz shoe
As they get older or start competing regularly, they can then get boys Reel Shoes with the proper heel.
What sizes can I get pomps in?
Pomps usually start at a child’s size 8. If your child has smaller feet and you still want to get them you can contact Fay’s Shoes, who can make them to size.
What size should I buy?
It is very tempting to buy children’s shoes a little bigger than their actual shoe size as their feet are constantly growing. However, we strongly recommend that pomps are a snug fit. If they are too big the dancer will not have the control over their feet that they need to dance properly.
Many champion dancers and professional dancers will in fact buy pomps a size or two smaller than their shoe size to make sure they are snug, look neat and they have complete control over how their feet look.
If your child grows out of pomps you will be able to sell them on to another dancer.
How do I lace them?
How do I tie them?
DO I need to buy Irish Dancing Socks?
When your child is just starting off they don’t need Irish Dancing Socks AKA Poodle Socks. When they are going to start dancing in competitions you can buy the socks at that point.
When will they need heavy/treble shoes?
After a child has mastered the first 4 or 5 dancers your teacher will let you know they are ready to get their first treble shoes.